Trip Details:

  • One-day research trip in the Miami area
  • Work side-by-side with shark researchers to collect scientific data
  • Assist in the collection of samples, including taking a fin clip, tagging sharks, and taking shark length measurements. Want to see what you’ll be doing? Check out our Facebook albums and Instagram!
  • Get hands-on experience working on a research vessel; help deploy and retrieve fishing gear
  • Interact with a variety of shark species we may catch, including blacktip, bonnethead, blacknose, bull, lemon, great hammerhead, scalloped hammerhead, nurse, sandbar, and tiger sharks
  • AGE LIMIT: We recommend that all participants are at least 10 years of age

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I join a shark tagging trip?
    Occasionally, we run citizen scientist trips the public can join. We will notify everyone who filled out an interest form about upcoming available trip dates. From there, we fill trips on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. Does it cost anything?
    At the time of filling trips, we will provide you with information on how to submit a donation to secure your spot on a shark tagging trip. Donations help us to subsidize the cost of shark tagging experiences for students who couldn’t otherwise afford to participate.
  3. Is my gift tax deductible?
    Yes. The University of Miami is a Florida not-for-profit corporation and all donations are tax deductible as appropriate by law. You will be sent necessary documentation for claiming your deduction.
  4. What’s your cancellation policy?
    In the event of a severe weather cancellation, like very strong winds or lightning, we’ll work to reschedule you for another trip. If for any reason you need to cancel, we ask for advanced notice so we may offer your spot to another citizen scientist. Unfortunately donations are non-refundable.
  5. Do you guarantee that I’ll see a shark?
    The simple fact is that we sometimes don’t find any sharks – but this is rare. We typically catch several sharks per trip, and consider ourselves lucky when we do! While one of our research goals is to better understand the movements of shark species, we can’t always predict where they will be. Moreover, as you are probably aware by now, many shark species worldwide have experienced declines in their populations. In short, we’re studying animals with declining populations that move over great distances in a vast ocean. We hope you’re there with us when we collect important data from the sharks we do get to encounter!
  6. Do I have to be scuba certified? Will I get to swim with sharks?
    No. We conduct all of our research from the deck of a coast guard certified research vessel.
  7. What do I need to bring?
    A packing list of everything you need to bring will be shared with you prior to your trip.
  8. How else can I support shark research?
    You can support us with donations, including those earmarked for specific purposes like student research or outreach trips. Proceeds from our online store, where you can find a variety of artist-inspired shark apparel, also help fund our operations. Thank you in advance for supporting us!