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Tracking Steph
Scientific Name: Galeocerdo cuvier
Date Tagged: January 12, 2019
Location Tagged: Tiger Beach, Bahamas
Gender: Female
Total Length (TL): 285 cm
The Story Behind the Name:
“Steph is a name inspired by someone who is strong and important in my life. This person left us way too soon. I think this beautiful tiger shark represent the name of this extraordinary man. He would be very happy to know that his name is given to such a beautiful creature. I don’t think he has ever imagined he would have that chance. This man was not always understood by everyone. This aspect reminds me of sharks. We must continue to make these species known to people so that we can better protect them around the world. Steph would have been very honored to be part of this fight for the protection of sharks. This is something I would have liked to share with him.”
Adopt-a-Shark: For information on how you can contribute to our shark conservation research by adopting and tracking your own shark, please visit our Adopt a Shark page.
System Requirements
Google Maps renders in all modern browsers and mobile operating systems. For more details visit Google’s map support page to view detailed system requirements.
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