The Importance of Integrating Human Activities into Marine Protected Areas

By Hannah Calich, RJD student

The benefits of marine protected areas (MPAs) have been well documented. However, since implementing them usually involves the removal or restriction of certain human activities, their implementation is often controversial. For example, MPA regulations that limit fishing can have negative socioeconomic consequences in fishing communities, which can lead to illegal, unreported, or unregulated fishing (Figure 1). To help avoid these problems managers should consider the possibility of integrating a small number of human activities into MPAs.

Fishermen illegally fishing in a protected area in Southeast Brazil. Photo credit: Rafael Guedes/Marine Photobank

Fishermen illegally fishing in a protected area in Southeast Brazil. Photo credit: Rafael Guedes/Marine Photobank

Currently most MPA regulations focus on extractive uses, such as fishing, while overlooking non-extractive uses, such as scuba diving or kayaking (Figure 2). Since both extractive and non-extractive uses impact ecosystems as well as local economies, researchers have been investigating what happens when both types of uses are allowed within sections of MPAs. Specifically, researchers in Wales (UK) have used specially designed conservation software to determine the impacts of integrating extractive and non-extractive uses in MPAs (Ruiz-Frau et al., 2015). They also examined how these impacts vary depending on how a MPA is zoned. For example, do MPAs with two zones (e.g., one minimally protected zone and one highly protected zone) impact an ecosystem or economy differently than MPAs with multiple zones that have varying degrees of protection?

Scuba diving, if done responsibly, is a great example of a non-extractive way to interact with the underwater world. Photo credit: Wolcott Henry/Marine Photobank

Scuba diving, if done responsibly, is a great example of a non-extractive way to interact with the underwater world. Photo credit: Wolcott Henry/Marine Photobank

Ruiz-Frau et al.’s (2015) results indicate that when MPAs include non-extractive uses (e.g., they allow visitors to kayak or snorkel within sections of a protected area), the negative socioeconomic impacts can be reduced by about 50% compared to when non-extractive uses are not included. Additionally, when MPAs have multiple zones they can continue to support healthy ecosystems while having a lower socioeconomic impact than MPAs with only one or two zones.

Incorporating both extractive and non-extractive uses can significantly reduce the socioeconomic impact of MPAs (Ruiz-Frau et al., 2015). These results have important implications to not only future MPAs but current ones as well. If the socioeconomic impacts of MPAs can be lowered, implementing MPAs will be less controversial and more likely to be accepted by communities, which will hopefully lead to more MPAs being developed.


Ruiz-Frau, A., Kaiser, M. J., Edwards-Jones, G., Klein, C. J., Segan, D., & Possingham, H. P. (2015). Balancing extractive and non-extractive uses in marine conservation plans. Marine Policy, 52(2015), 11-18.

The use of spearfishing competition data in fisheries management

by Pat Goebel, RJD Intern

There are fewer fishes in the ocean today than there were 200, 100, and even 20 years ago. This fact is reiterated in the case study authored by Pita, which shows   decreases in the abundance and weight of coastal rocky reef fishes over the last 50 years in Galicia.

The methods scientists use to determine estimates in abundance and size are criticized, especially when estimates are based on data from commercial fisheries. Commercial fisheries are always changing or shifting. New regulations and markets combined with more or less productive fishing grounds can misrepresent population estimates. A solution to this can be to use long-term data sets from recreational fisheries competitions. In the case study, The use of spearfishing competition data in fisheries management: evidence for a hidden near collapse of a coastal fish community of Galicia (NE Atlantic Ocean), a long-term data set (1953-2007) of recreational spear fishing was investigated to estimate local fish populations.

The results of the present study show a dramatic decrease in abundance (up to 76%) and body weight (76%) of coastal rocky reef fishes over the last 50 years. The decreases in population size and body weight are both critical factors, which will hamper the recovery of the coastal rocky reef fishes in Galicia.

Catch frequency f or 5 species of fish in Galicia

Catch frequency f or 5 species of fish in Galicia

Fishing along with global warming and pollution has nearly resulted in the collapse of the coastal rocky reef fish in Galicia. A management plan to help restore the depleted fish stock is eminent. A solution to the problem may lie in the paper as the size of the catch and the size of the fish tended to be bigger in the least fished zone.  So, stopping or reducing fishing in heavily fished areas may help restore the abundance and size of fishes within this important ecosystem.

Pita, P., and J. Freire. “The use of spearfishing competition data in fisheries management: evidence for a hidden near collapse of a coastal fish community of Galicia (NE Atlantic Ocean).” Fisheries Management and Ecology 21.6 (2014): 454-469.

Sustainability of Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture

by Alice Schreiber, RJD intern

The rapid increase of world population and the large number of already depleted fish stocks pose a significant problem for fisheries currently, and will continue to do so in the future. The growth of responsible and sustainable aquaculture facilities can help to alleviate the strain the human population has on the natural environment while providing reasonably priced seafood to people in developing and developed nations around the world. Unfortunately, there are still some issues facing aquaculture today, the most contentious of which associated with sustainability and waste production. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture combines traditional fish farming with another species at a different trophic level, usually an extractive species that can get its nutrients from the sunlight or water.


In recent years, aquaculture has begun to be a major player in providing food security throughout the world. In 2012, global aquaculture production reached an all-time high of 90.4 million tons; China alone attributed 43.5 million tons of fish for food and 13.5 million tons of aquatic algae that year. Aquaculture growth has been relatively faster in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean; the same regions where population growth has been increasing. Along with the increase in production, the interest in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture is also rising. These systems, abbreviated as IMTA, combine fed aquaculture species with inorganic extractive species, such as seaweeds, cultivated in proximity.  Figure one illustrates a typical IMTA:

Image 1

Many aquaculture systems tend to require very large amounts of inputs and produce massive amounts of waste. The goal is to essentially close the loop, or make the inputs and outputs as low as possible. “Rather than let huge concentrations of fish manure from, say, salmon cages foul coastal waters, you place shellfish, which filter and are nourished by the manure, slightly downstream from your salmon cages; and then seaweed further downstream still, which takes up remaining nutrients from the manure” (Greenaway, 2009). Another issue with traditional aquaculture is the amount of fish used to make fish feed. However, seaweed can be a source of protein and other ingredients without competing with terrestrial plants and causing price increases. This also could help reduce the need for farmland, irrigation, and fertilizer (Chopin, 2012). Shellfish and seaweed can take the excess nutrients and utilize it, converting it into biomass. Dr. Thierry Chopin states that the solution to nitrification is not dilution, but conversion within an eco-system based management perspective (Chopin, 2008).


The waste generated from intensive aquaculture systems needs to be treated and in the past solutions have largely focused on reducing particle load or leaving the dissolved nutrients untreated. Treating effluents is expensive and requires a high degree of technology, so releasing the untreated water is unfortunately a way to cut costs. Macroalgae uses sunlight to build biomass, while assimilating dissolved inorganic nutrients removed from the water. If properly cultured, the seaweed can utilize pollutant nutrients as their food and energy source, clean the water, and be harvested as commercial crops with very little added cost to the producer. Recycling of waste nutrients by algae and filter-feeders is the most economical way to improve aquaculture sustainability.


Water quality deterioration as a result of excess nutrients is a key concern in aquaculture systems. Seaweed can be cultivated in the same pond as fish or adjacent to fish cages. The plants absorb particulate organics and dissolved nutrients that would otherwise enter the environment. In a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS),  where water is filtered and reused in the tank, fish are even more at risk from high nutrient levels. Seaweed has the potential to improve culture environment by preventing the deterioration of water quality from waste and particulates. Seaweed assimilates the fish-excreted ammonia, phosphate and CO2, converting them into valuable biomass. With this treatment, water can recirculate back to the fish ponds or be discharged without endangering the environment (Chopin et al., 2001 and Neori et al., 2004). CO2 is released by fish through respiration, reacts with water, and forms carbonic acid (H2CO2), which leads to a lower pH (Wurts, 1992). When pH lowers, acidity increases, which can easily prove fatal for fish. Excessive phosphorus can cause increased plant an algal growth, resulting in anoxia (low or no oxygen), increased turbidity, effects on fish growth, and toxic cyanobacterial blooms (Guo et al., 2003). Unionized ammonium is particularly harmful as it can pass through the gills into fish, convert back into the ionized for, and cause cellular damage.

Image 2

The advantages of using seaweeds as the biofilter component of the IMTA systems are now becoming widely accepted (Ridler et al., 2007).  Seaweed can greatly help mitigate eutrophication in polluted areas and reduce harmful fish byproducts. Macroalgae (seaweed) actually sequesters the nutrients out of the water, and then the clean and oxygen-rich effluent of a seaweed biofilter can be recirculated back to the fishponds or discharged safely. In seaweed-based IMTA systems, TAN (total ammonia N, NH3+NH4) and the other excess nutrients from the fed finfish/shrimp culture are taken up by seaweed.

Aquaculture is not a perfect industry as of yet. Macroalgae, or seaweed can provide multiple benefits when used in IMTA. Seaweed has potential as food, cosmetics, biofuel, agrichemicals, fishmeal, and is able to function as a biofilter for the aquaculture systems. The IMTA approach to fish farming is proving to be very beneficial economically as well as for the environment. Not only can seaweed help to maintain clean water quality, it can be used to clean up areas with excess nutrients or harmful waste products like ammonium and CO2. This will likely become the new standard for aquaculture as demand continues to rise and the need for environmentally safe practices increases.

Chopin, T. “Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) – the right move for sustainability?” in Inshore Ireland 4 (3): 20, June 2008.

Chopin, T. “Seaweed aquaculture provides diversified products, key ecosystem functions. Part II. Recent evolution of seaweed industry.” Global Aquaculture Advocate 15 (4): 24-27, July-August 2012.

Greenaway, T. “Closing the aquaculture loop.” Culinate, 5 February 2009.

Guo, Longgen, and Zhongjie Li. “Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus from fish cage-culture on the communities of a shallow lake in middle Yangtze River basin of China.” Aquaculture 226.1 (2003): 201-212.

Neori, Amir, et al. “Integrated aquaculture: rationale, evolution and state of the art emphasizing seaweed biofiltration in modern mariculture.” Aquaculture 231.1 (2004): 361-391.47–131.

Ridler, N., et al. “Integrated Multi− Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA): A Potential Strategic Choice for Farmers.” Aquaculture Economics & Management 11.1 (2007): 99-110.

Wurts, William A., and Robert M. Durborow. Interactions of pH, carbon dioxide, alkalinity and hardness in fish ponds. Stoneville,, Mississippi: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, 1992.


Fishy Behavior: The Effect of Local Fishing on Coral Reef Fish Behavior

By Dani Ferraro, RJD student

In the Indo-Pacific, coral reef fish have encountered behavioral changes due to increasing local fishing efforts. The rise of commercial fishing and local fishing have caused a change in species composition, abundance, and behavior of species inside protected areas. In an experiment done by Fraser A. Januchowski-Hartley et al, two target species were monitored in both marine reserves (Chagos) as well as well-fished areas in the Philippines. They measured the correlation between fishing pressure, fish size, habitat complexity and life-history stage against the fish flight initiation distance (FID). This yielded a conclusion that fish FID increased with outside fishing pressure in both locations, implying that commercial fishing affects adjacent areas as well.

When studying the consequences of fishing upon coral reef fish populations, it’s important to consider both the long-term and short-term effects upon the ecosystem. Both commercial fishing and local fisheries affect the biomass, abundance, structure and function of fish populations, as well as the biodiversity (Estes et al., 2011). Increased fishing rates paired with species-specific targeting results in a devastating overfishing problem, especially when considering coral reef species. These species are also targeted indirectly with the release of keystone invasive species, such as urchins and lionfish. A result upon coral reef fish behavior is demonstrated through “wary” behaviors, such as remaining closer to shelter or faster reaction time to predators.

Although marine reserves offer higher protection levels for species, allowing them to rebuild their stocks, a perhaps more telling result is the decrease in flight behaviors of coral reef fishes. Those fish that have spent a greater period of time in marine protected areas show less wary behavior than those under the constant threat of fishing. This more confident fish behavior bleeds over the lines of marine protected areas into the adjacent zones. However, this also lends to the idea that the pressure of commercial fishing could impact ecosystems protected by marine reserves. “Fishing the line” refers to the reduction in both abundance and biodiversity along the boundary of marine protected areas due to increased fishing efforts. The flight initiation distance (FID) measures how close an observer or predator can get to an animal before it flees. This experiment analyzes the influences of anthropogenic and environmental factors on an ecosystem and the range of fish behaviors with proximity to fishing pressure in both marine protected areas and high pressure areas.


The Chagos Archipelago is the world’s largest marine reserve in the world, with an area of 250,000 square miles. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Chagos Archipelago is the world’s largest marine reserve in the world, with an area of 250,000 square miles. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons


In the experiment by Januchowski, there was a positive correlation between fish size and increases in FID found in fished areas. In the protected areas in Chagos, Januchowski iterated that there was a significantly lower FID than those of other locations. However, while the original intent was to study the relationship between fishing pressure and fish behavior, measured in FID. However, they found that the two were related within protected marine reserves embedded in “fished seascapes.” Coral reef fish within these areas displayed high levels of wary behavior around humans and predators with a parallel increase in fishing pressure outside of these zones. This finding has implications for the future roles of marine reserves for fish species conservation, especially in regard to distribution of fishing efforts.




Estes, J.A. et al., 2011. Trophic downgrading of planet Earth. Science 333, 301–306.


Januchowski-Hartley, Fraser A, Nicholas A.J. Graham, Joshua E. Cinner, and Garry R. Russ. “Local Fishing Influences Coral Reef Fish Behavior inside Protected Areas of the Indo-Pacific.” Biological Conservation 182 (2014): 8-12. Print.

The consequences of harmful algal blooms and their production of paralytic shellfish toxins

by Laurel Zaima, RJD intern

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a large concern for many who live on the coasts. People are told to avoid eating local seafood and contact with the contaminated water. However, the consequences of HABs extend much further than many people realize. HABs are associated with high fish mortality, which disturbs the entire effected marine and coastal ecosystem. During HABs, there are high cell densities of toxin-producing phytoplankton species. These phytoplankton produce a paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) and they are easily ingested by planktivorous fish or filter-feeding organisms. Once the toxin has entered the food web, PSTs can impact multiple trophic levels. (Picture 1: An expansive harmful algal bloom is prominently seen off the coast of Gotland, a Swedish Island in the Baltic Sea.) PSTs are a worldwide concern because they are concentrated and abundant near the coasts and have detrimental affects on aquaculture, fisheries, human health, industries, and economies. In the scientific paper, Impact and effects of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins derived from harmful algal blooms to marine fish, Costa (2014) assess the fish contamination, fish mortality, and the ecosystem-wide implications of these toxins in order to better understand and help to better manage the damaging effects of PSTs.

Paralytic shellfish toxins are produced in the marine environment by nine dinoflagellate species. Each of the PSTs have slight differences in the structure of their functional groups, which results in different toxicity levels. (Picture 2: The chemical structure of the paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs)). Fish that are exposed to PST exhibit irregular swim and motor behaviors, such as swimming on their sides or upside down and gaping at the surface. With extensive exposure to PSTs, the toxin causes subsequent paralysis in the muscles. Therefore, PSTs prevent fish from effectively foraging or avoiding predators. Ultimately, the most common result of the toxicity is death.

Fish mortality associated with PSTs have been reported worldwide. Fish species involved in the toxic episodes include planktivorous fish that feed directly on the toxic algae, planktivorous fish that ingested contaminated zooplankton that have fed on the toxic algae, predators species that have fed on the contaminated fish or shellfish, and fish that are artificially fed but were directly exposed to the toxic algae. The PSTs that are produced by harmful algal blooms can modify the predator-prey interactions that can lead to a cascading affect on the coastal food web and community structures in the marine systems. PSTs hold consequences for organisms at various trophic levels from the ability to initiate a top-down or bottom-up trophic cascade. Humans have also been contaminated by PSTs in various countries from ingesting toxic fish. After people were directly affected by PSTs, action towards algal management was implemented in several countries. Countries in South-East Asia have employed laws that enforce the identification and count of the toxic phytoplankton in seawater, a measure of the toxicity in the shellfish, and a constant monitoring of the marine toxins in planktivorous fish before declaring the local fish acceptable for consumption.

Harmful algal bloom from Costa 2014

Harmful algal bloom from Costa 2014

The neurotoxic paralytic shellfish toxins have negative impacts on the fish populations and any associated marine and terrestrial organisms. PSTs have an apparent significance on the function of the ecosystem, and therefore, there is an increasing importance in understanding, managing and monitoring the issue. In terms of ecosystem-based management, it is imperative that fish are properly characterized by their levels of PST exposure from direct consumption and through potential intermediate vectors in order to keep seafood consumers safe from the toxins.

Impact and effects of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins derived from harmful algal blooms to marine fish
P Reis Costa – Fish and Fisheries, 2014

The Truth Behind Catch-and-Release of Atlantic cod

By Jessica Wingar, RJD Intern

With decreasing fish stocks, there has been an increase fishing regulations. One of these categories of fishing is recreational fishing, which includes catch and release fishing. In catch and release fishing, the fish is released back into the ocean after being reeled in. Despite the fact that this practice puts the fish back in its habitat, the process can have detrimental effects on the fish. An example of one of these disadvantages is the damage caused by the hook; the hook can become lodged in the body cavity of the fish and cause damage that could cause mortality. There are numerous different studies that can be conducted to look at post release in fish, but telemetry studies are becoming more numerous because they allow the fish species to be studied in its habitat and provides effective data. In this method, tags are surgically inserted into the fish and the fish are released back into the environment. In order to differentiate between the effects of surgery and release, the fish are captured again after a surgery recovery period to find out the affects of the release. Since the fish are captured again, it is critical that the species studied does not live in a large area. This study method was used to examine Atlantic cod in Norway.


Atlantic cod were chosen as the study species because they have a known small range that they inhabit. In addition, they are a commonly released fish. In this study, the researchers wanted to study what the post release effects would be of the fish coming from depth. The reason why the researchers wanted to study the effects of depth is because Atlantic cod have a closed physoclistous swim bladder, which means that their swim bladder can expand if they are pulled from a depth, such as what occurs when they are reeled in. In this study, eighty cod were surgically implanted with acoustic transmitters and the fish were tagged. Ultrasonic receivers were placed in the study area to determine how the fish were moving up and down the water column. These fish were released, and after a recovery time, nine were recaptured in order to determine the affects on vertical migration after release.

The study area in Norway

The study area in Norway

This study demonstrated that there was not a significant difference in vertical migration after the release of all eighty cod. In addition, there was not a significant difference in vertical migration after the release of the nine cod caught again after the surgery. Although the results are not statistically significant, the researchers found that some small-scale changes could occur immediately after release, but that these changes are not permanent. However, these small-scale changes could have implications for successful mating and other behaviors. The reason behind why some cod were affected, while others were not could lie in the fact that physiology differs between each individual. In conclusion, with proper fishing equipment and practices, catch and release fishing has few detrimental effects on Atlantic cod in Norway.

Depth results from the initial eighty cod and the recaptured and released cod

Depth results from the initial eighty cod and the recaptured and released cod

Studies like this one are increasingly critical to the conservation of fish species, such as Atlantic cod. They are important because they provide a platform to promote safe fishing practices and methods, such as using a circle hook, for recreational fishermen. If more fishermen who fish for sport, used safe fishing techniques, then the cod fished will not be as affected by catch and release fishing.



Ferter, K., Hartmann, K., Kleiven, A.R., Moland, E., and Esben Moland Olsen. “Catch-and-release of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): post-release behavior of acoustically pretagged fish in a natural marine environment.” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (2015):1-10.

Threats to Sea Otters

by Daniela Escontrela, RJD intern

Sea otters are a very charismatic species due to their very cute and cuddly appearance; however, sea otters are quite interesting animals for many reasons. For one sea otters lack a blubber layer like many other marine mammals. To make up for this, they have the thickets fur of any animal coming in at one million hairs per square inch, 800 million total (compare that to humans who have a mere 100,000 hairs on their entire heads) (Cohn 1998). Otters are also the only marine animal known to use tools. They place a rock on its belly while they float on their back and strike mussels and clams against them to open them. They will consume one quarter of their body weight in food and their high metabolic system quickly turns that food into heat energy. Sea otters are slow reproducers, having one pup every two years (Waldichuk 1990). Additionally, sea otters were one of the last marine mammals to adapt to life in the ocean and they are the second smallest marine mammal (Cohn 1998). Sea otters spend most of their time at sea; in fact when sleeping they will wrap themselves in kelp to keep from drifting away with the current (Waldichuk 1990).

Figure 1. A sea otter at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium laying on its back, a characteristic pose of this animal (Cohn 1998).

Figure 1. A sea otter at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium laying on its back, a characteristic pose of this animal (Cohn 1998).

However, as cute and charismatic as these animals are, they have suffered great tragedy. Sea otters in North America were first discovered in 1742 by Vitus Bering from Russia who got shipwrecked in the Bring Sea (Waldichuk 1990). At the time, otters ranged from Japan and the Kamchatka Peninsula across the Commander and Aleutian islands to Alaska and down the west coast of North America to Baja California. The shipwrecked survivors first used the otters for food but soon discovered how valuable the coats could be. When word got back to Russia, people from all over the world would make their way to the west coast of North America to hunt the animals for their fur (Cohn 1998). These animals were hunted all throughout the 18th and 19th century and estimates are that 400,000 were killed in that time. By the 1900s, only a few dozen remained in California with a few handfuls in other regions (Lafferty and Tinker 2014). In 1911 the animals were saved from extinction when Canada, Russia, Japan and the USA signed a treaty, called the International Fur Treaty, to stop killing them, at which point only 1000-2000 remained in the wild (Waldichuk 1990). In addition, the sea otters were listed as “threatened” under the endangered species act, the marine mammal protection act listed them as depleted and California as a “fully protected mammal”; they are also protected under Russian law (Cohn 1998).

In the recovery process sea otters have been relocated from areas where they are abundant to areas where they are depleted. In the past couple of decades numbers have increased to ~150,000 in Alaska and the Aleutian islands, 17,000-18,000 in Russia and northern Japan, 1000 in British Columbia, 2000 in California and 500 in Washington (Cohn 1998). Even though it seems sea otters are out of danger that is far from the truth. Although they are no longer exploited for their fur, there exist other threats. For one, sea otters are highly susceptible to oil spills. Sea otters spend a lot of time grooming their fur and as such they are highly vulnerable to ingestion if coated in oil. When the Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in the Prince William Sound in Alaska, 42 million liters of oil were released into the water killing at least 450 sea otters. Many suffered from liver damage due to ingestion of oil during grooming. In addition, the fur is also susceptible to oil as the underfur layer, which usually stays dry, loses the insulation quality and animals end up dying of pneumonia. Although a large oil spill hasn’t occurred in California, many conservationists want the introduction of sea otters into southern California, where they were once abundant, in the case of a spill (Waldichuk 1990). However, expansion into southern California has been sporadic. Sea otters prefer to stay near shore and at the moment, sea otter abundance in central California may be at its carrying capacity limited by food and shelter. If southern California can hold the same density of otters as central California then sea otter populations could rise to 16,000; clearly range expansion is key to further population recovery. In an effort to direct an expansion of sea otters while minimizing competition with fishermen, US Fish and Wildlife created a “no-otter” management zone south of Point Conception (which divides central from southern California). For many years, if otters were found to the south of this they would be relocated to central California. However, in 1998 a group of 93 males was seen south of Point Conception, a group too large to relocate. Since then patterns of migration have been observed for the otters. Males will travel south from winter to spring in search of resources then return to the center ranger after females wean their pups and come into estrous. These groups of non-territorial males at the range margins colonize adjacent open habitat to exploit abundant resources, often in response to increasing prey competition the previous neighboring habitat they occupied. If these males stay in this territory for 5 to 10 years, other females and pups will begin to arrive. At this point there is a demographic transition from male colony to mix sexed groups. Males will then establish territories which forces non-territorial males to move again to new territory and to start the cycle again. This cycle makes growth and expansion slow and intermittent. In December 2012 US Fish and Wildlife Service determined the California translocation program a failure and ended it, halting enforcement of the “no-otter” management zone (Lafferty and Tinker 2014). If this pattern of southern expansion continues, sea otters could become more resilient to oil spills if they were to occur since the population would be spread out rather than clustered in central California.

Figure 2. Map of sea otter counts (red circles) and maximum kelp coverage south of Point Conception (Lafferty and Tinker 2014).

Figure 2. Map of sea otter counts (red circles) and maximum kelp coverage south of Point Conception (Lafferty and Tinker 2014).

This migration of sea otters towards southern California is a step in the right direction; however, other threats still abound especially in California were growth rates lag behind at 5% per year, compared to 15-20% per year for Washington. This slow growth rate may be due to the high mortality rate of pups (40%) which is far higher than in other places. Previously, many males were dying from gill nets since males rest and feed further from shore where they are more susceptible to encounter these nets; luckily gillnets have been band. Natural threats include predation from sharks, especially in the North, and from killer whales. Another major threat is a parasitic worm that hits juveniles and pups; this worm normally infests seabirds. A veterinary pathologist that examined 250 corpses found that 40% had died from this infectious disease. Sea otters are also susceptible to San Joaquin valley fever, a fungal disease usually seen in people living in arid areas. It is proposed that the disease finds its way to sea through airborne dust (Cohn 1998). If this wasn’t enough, another disease was discovered to also cause mortality in otters called Toxoplasma gondii. This single celled protozoan is pathogenic and causes protozoal encephalitis in otters. This is a deadly brain infection that causes tremors in the front legs and loss of muscle action. This prevents the animal from diving for food and grooming (a healthy sea otter spends one third of its day grooming). T. gondii comes from cats who excrete the protozoan’s eggs in their feces. The eggs can survive up to 18 months and due to rain off it makes its way to the ocean. As of 2003, out of 1000 dead sea otters that had washed up along the California coastline, 62% of them had died from the Protozoan infection (McLaughlin 2003).

The threats abound to sea otters who happen to be a keystone species. A keystone species is a plant or animal that plays a crucial role in the way an ecosystem functions. Without a keystone species, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether. Sea otters prefer coastal marine habitats dominated by kelp stands where they can find one of their staple food items, sea urchins. Heavy overgrazing by sea urchins on kelp forests can deplete them. However, if sea otters are present they can keep urchin levels low which prevents overgrazing (William 1988). In a study after the Exxon Valdez oil spill it was found that oiled areas where there were few sea otters had 1.52 urchins per 100 square meters versus 0.17 urchins per 100 square meters in non-oiled areas were otters were more abundant. These areas with higher densities of urchins experienced overgrazing and depletion of kelp forests. In fact some scientists believe that North American kelp evolved with otters. Kelp in Australian waters produce toxins to ward off urchins whereas kelp in North America do not produce this toxin since it did not need chemical defenses due to the presence of otters. It is important to keep sea otters around as they can help modify environments such as kelp forests which provide shelter and food for countless fish, shellfish, urchins and marine mammals and birds (Cohn 1998). It is of extreme importance that more research go into sea otter conservation to study things such as the diseases that are killing them and to come up with recovery plans in the case of an oil spill; arguably these are two of the biggest threats they face that we must confront in the near future if we don’t want to drive them to extinction.

Works Cited:
Jeffrey, P Cohn. “Understanding Sea Otters.” BioScience 48.3 (1998): 151-155.
Lafferty, Kevin D and Tim M Tinker. “Sea otters are recolonizing southern California in fits and starts.” Ecosphere 5.5 (2014): 1-11.
McLaughlin, Sabrina. “The Otter Limits.” Current Science 88.14 (2003): 4-5.
Waldichuk, M. “Sea Otters and Oil Pollution.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 21.1 (1990): 10-15.
William, Booth. “The Otter-Urchin-Kelp Scenario.” Science 241.4862 (1988): 157.

Shark Tagging with Maritime Academy

by Jacob Jerome, RJD student

Last Sunday the RJD crew had a VERY exciting and successful day of shark tagging with citizen scientists off the coast of Miami. We left the dock on Key Biscayne early Sunday morning and headed for the waters off Miami Beach. Blessed with calm seas and beautiful weather, we set out our first ten drumlines and waited to see what we were going to get.
After the short one hour soak time, we headed to the first line and started pulling. On just our second line there was tension on the monofilament and we knew that we were in for a great day. As we were pulling in the shark, we heard Captain Eric shout from above “Hammerhead!” With total excitement, everyone got into their places as we brought the shark up to the boat. Knowing that hammerhead sharks are more sensitive, we completed our workup in record time while still being able to attach a satellite tag! With the satellite tag pinging the shark’s location every time it surfaces, we will be able to learn more about where the shark is going and hopefully help to protect the areas that sharks like to hang out. After watching the beautiful shark swim off, we headed to line number three.

 A great hammerhead shark is secured next to the boat.

A great hammerhead shark is secured next to the boat.

With complete dismay, we pulled up the third line to find another great hammerhead! Working even faster, we collected any data that we could and then released our second shark of the day in great condition.

Our luck didn’t end there. Just two lines later, we pulled up a large dusky shark. Nearly everyone on the boat had never seen this species before and we were all very excited to begin our work. After holding down the feisty shark long enough to collect our data, we released the large male in great condition. With three sharks on our first six lines everyone was pumped to see what the rest of the day would bring!

Rounding out our first ten lines we managed to catch two more sharks, a tiger and lemon. A satellite tag was placed on the juvenile tiger shark so we can track where sharks at this age are hanging out. With a busy day so far, we decided to only set out five more drumlines so we could get back to the dock at a reasonable time. Already averaging one shark for every two lines, we were very excited to see what these last five would produce.

A fin-mounted satellite tag on a juvenile tiger shark.

A fin-mounted satellite tag on a juvenile tiger shark.

Of the five lines we set, four of them had sharks! What was even more incredible was the species diversity and rarity of those sharks. We caught two more great hammerheads, a dusky and nurse shark. While we often sample from powerful nurse sharks, it is rare for us to get hammerheads, let alone four in one day! The dusky sharks that we collected data from were also a rarity for the lab. In the history of the lab we have only collected data from two other dusky sharks. Meaning in one day we doubled our sample size for this species!

It’s safe to say that last Sunday was one of the best trips I’ve ever been on! In just fifteen lines we were able to catch nine sharks of five species. Our team would like to thank the citizen scientists that joined us for their hard work pulling in lines and helping us in our data collection.

A large lemon shark is secured while blood is being drawn.

A large lemon shark is secured while blood is being drawn.

Current threats to coastal seagrass ecosystems

By Hanover Matz, RJD Intern

If asked what marine ecosystems are currently most at risk, many people would probably identify coral reefs and mangrove forests. Climate change, sea level rise, and habitat degradation are all terms that come to mind when addressing the decline of corals and mangroves worldwide. However, equally important and at risk are seagrass ecosystems. Seagrasses are marine flowering plants that form ecologically important coastal habitats in tropic and temperate oceans, playing a key role in unison with coral reefs and mangroves (Short et al., 2011). These three habitats exchange nutrients and organic matter, and seagrasses provide important habitat for many species of marine fauna and juvenile fish (van Tussenbroek et al., 2014). Endangered megafauna such as manatees, dugongs, and sea turtles graze on seagrass beds. In addition to supporting marine biodiversity, seagrass beds provide many benefits to human society. They support fisheries and provide livelihoods for millions of people in coastal communities (Short et al., 2011). Seagrass beds also maintain water quality and reduce turbidity through sediment deposition. By acting as nurseries for many economically important fish species such as snapper and grouper, they help support both tourism and fisheries (Lirman et al., 2014). Due to increasing anthropogenic threats to seagrass ecosystems, we are in danger of losing these important benefits.

A green sea turtle grazes on seagrass, an important food source for this endangered species. Photo courtesy of P. Lindgren via Wikimedia Commons

A green sea turtle grazes on seagrass, an important food source for this endangered species. Photo courtesy of P. Lindgren via Wikimedia Commons

In order to implement conservation measures, the current status of seagrass species must be established. An evaluation of the world’s seagrass species by Short et al. (2011) utilized criterion set forth by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to determine the risk of extinction for each seagrass species. The IUCN uses extinction risk theory and data on population reduction and geographic range to determine the conservation status of a species, ranked as Extinct, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Near Threatened, Least Concern or Data Deficient. Seagrass experts used these criteria along with data on 72 species of seagrass to determine the vulnerability of each species. Based on the results of Short et al., fifteen species of seagrass were found to be threatened (Endangered/Vulnerable) or Near Threatened, with three considered Endangered. While forty-eight seagrass species were considered Least Concern, twenty-two were considered to have declining populations. This evaluation shows that while only a few seagrass species may be currently threatened with extinction, if population trends continue, many more species may be facing significant reductions in geographic range in the future. Figure 2 below shows the number of seagrass species with declining populations across the globe. The region with the highest number of declining species, the coasts of China, Japan, and Korea, corresponds with areas of high human development.

Global distribution of declining species of seagrass (Short et al., 2011)

Global distribution of declining species of seagrass (Short et al., 2011)

Along with the IUCN Red List evaluation, the Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity (CARICOMP) program has monitored seagrass communities in the Caribbean from 1992-2007 for changes in biomass and productivity. With data taken from 52 monitoring stations across the Caribbean, van Tussenbroek et al. (2014) assessed the impact of human activities on seagrass habitats. Forty-three percent of the seagrass communities at thirty-five of the long-term monitoring stations showed changes in biomass and productivity associated with environmental degradation. The authors indicated increased terrestrial run-off (sewage, fertilizer, and/or sediments) as the major anthropogenic influence on seagrasses in the Caribbean. Figure 3 shows the distribution of human impacted monitoring stations across the Caribbean. Like the IUCN Red List evaluation by Short et al., this study shows that we are just beginning to understand the effects human activities have had on seagrass habitats, and that these impacts will likely increase in the near future.

Distribution of seagrass community monitoring stations in the Caribbean, indicating communities potentially altered by environmental degradation (van Tussenbroek et al., 2014)

Distribution of seagrass community monitoring stations in the Caribbean, indicating communities potentially altered by environmental degradation (van Tussenbroek et al., 2014)

If seagrasses are on the decline, what is that primary cause of this decline? By combining the knowledge of several seagrass experts, Grech et al. (2012) identified many of the major threats to seagrass communities. Of the threats assessed, industrial and agricultural run-off, coastal infrastructure development, and dredging were determined to have the greatests impacts on seagrasses globally. These anthropogenic activities disturb seagrasses by increasing water turbidity and physically damaging seagrass habitat. Aquaculture development, trawling, and boat damage can also harm coastal seagrass communities. In addition to these direct human activities, climate change, sea level rise, and increasing severity of tropical storms were seen as potential risks for seagrasses (Grech et al., 2012). An example of how human activity can alter seagrass communities in South Florida was demonstrated by a study conducted in western Biscayne Bay (Lirman et al., 2014). Lirman et al. found that the proximity of the major metropolitan center, Miami, and changes in hydrology due to efforts to restore the Everglades have caused shifts in coastal salinity. These changes in turn have altered the composition of seagrass communities composed primarily of Thalassia, Halodule, and Syringodium seagrass species. Changes in salinity and nutrient availability may possibly cause the decline of seagrass dominated communities in exchange for macroalgae domianted communities. Once again, the association of human development can have serious consequences for coastal ecosystems.


In the face of all of these threats, what can be done to protect and conserve seagrasses? In an evaluation of coastal resource degradation, Wilkinson and Salvat (2012) assessed possible management solutions to help protect coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrasses. These resourcees have often been described as “commons”, open for access to anyone, but in reality these resources generally fall under the control of local coastal communities. In order to manage seagrasses, effective policies must be implemented at the local level. However, there is a disconnect between the regions of conservation research (developed nations), and the primary regions of seagrass habitat (developing nations). If seagrasses are to be protected through the use of management and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), there must be greater cooperation between governments, policy makers, and scientists both at the national and international level (Wilkinson and Salvat, 2012). The global status of seagrass species and the current threats facing them have been established. While more research will certainly be beneficial, we need to focus on reducing the impacts of human activities. The best possible management effort will take into account all users of seagrass ecosystems, so that they can be used but not overexploited for future generations.




  1. Grech, A., K. Chartrand-Miller, P. Erftemeijer, M. Fonseca, L. McKenzie, M. Rasheed, H. Taylor and R. Coles (2012). “A comparison of threats, vulnerabilities and management approaches in global seagrass bioregions.” Environmental Research Letters 7(2): 024006.
  2. Lirman, D., T. Thyberg, R. Santos, S. Schopmeyer, C. Drury, L. Collado-Vides, S. Bellmund and J. Serafy (2014). “SAV Communities of Western Biscayne Bay, Miami, Florida, USA: Human and Natural Drivers of Seagrass and Macroalgae Abundance and Distribution Along a Continuous Shoreline.” Estuaries and Coasts 37(5): 1243-1255.
  3. Short, F. T., B. Polidoro, S. R. Livingstone, K. E. Carpenter, S. Bandeira, J. S. Bujang, H. P. Calumpong, T. J. B. Carruthers, R. G. Coles, W. C. Dennison, P. L. A. Erftemeijer, M. D. Fortes, A. S. Freeman, T. G. Jagtap, A. H. M. Kamal, G. A. Kendrick, W. Judson Kenworthy, Y. A. La Nafie, I. M. Nasution, R. J. Orth, A. Prathep, J. C. Sanciangco, B. v. Tussenbroek, S. G. Vergara, M. Waycott and J. C. Zieman (2011). “Extinction risk assessment of the world’s seagrass species.” Biological Conservation.
  4. van Tussenbroek, B. I., J. Cortes, R. Collin, A. C. Fonseca, P. M. Gayle, H. M. Guzman, G. E. Jacome, R. Juman, K. H. Koltes, H. A. Oxenford, A. Rodriguez-Ramirez, J. Samper-Villarreal, S. R. Smith, J. J. Tschirky and E. Weil (2014). “Caribbean-wide, long-term study of seagrass beds reveals local variations, shifts in community structure and occasional collapse.” PLoS One 9(3): e90600.
  5. Wilkinson, C. and B. Salvat (2012). “Coastal resource degradation in the tropics: does the tragedy of the commons apply for coral reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds.” Mar Pollut Bull 64(6): 1096-1105.

The aquarium hobby’s impact on freshwater fish conservation

by Jacob Jerome, RJD student

From small bowls that house beta fish, to extensive aquariums with hundreds of individuals, fish are found in homes around the world. Through this hobby, people have the opportunity to experience the world of fish in a way that was never possible before. But there can be drawbacks to the aquarium hobby that concern researchers in regards to freshwater fish conservation. While acknowledging these problems, Maceda-Veiga et al aim to change the perception of hobbyists and show their potential to help conserve the fish that they love.

The major drawbacks of the aquarium hobby are the overharvesting of species and the introduction of invasive species to ecosystems around the world. Efforts have been put in place by scientists and conservationists to alleviate these issues but because of the huge popularity of the aquarium hobby, there is no short term solution. Cooperation between both aquarists and scientists is needed in order to reduce the effects of these problems and help promote freshwater fish conservation. To help push this cooperation, Maceda-Veiga et al point out some misconceptions of hobbyists and ways in which serious aquarium hobbyists and their organizations can aid scientists in their efforts.

: Illustrations of different understandings and philosophies about the aquarium hobby. (Maceda-Veiga et al

: Illustrations of different understandings and philosophies about the aquarium hobby. (Maceda-Veiga et al

While it is perceived that hobbyists are doing nothing to help fix these two major drawbacks, as a whole, there has been progress towards minimizing them. For example, 90% of freshwater aquarium species are raised domestically and are not harvested from the wild. Interestingly, Maceda-Veiga et al found that aquarium keepers actually prefer these domestically raised fish due to their better appearances than the wild caught ones. To help reduce the introduction of invasive species, several aquarium hobbyist associations have published information in their magazines and websites to help educate aquarium keepers. In addition, many associations will accept fish returns so fish are not released into the wild.

Serious aquarium hobbyists can aid scientists in freshwater fish conservation as well. Hobbyists often contribute to the development of basic knowledge of species through their observations and success as aquarists. While the validity of these published findings in aquarium magazines and websites can be uncertain, they can reveal information to researchers to help them as they study a species. Hobbyists can also help to save species from extinction. Populations of fish kept in aquariums around the world can provide a gene bank to prevent the total extinction of a species or to help reintroduction programs. For example, the crescent zoe and the golden skiffia, two species extinct or nearly extinct in the wild, have been kept alive by dedicated hobbyists for over twenty five years.

An adult male (below) and female crescent zoe.

An adult male (below) and female crescent zoe.

While the aquarium hobby has its drawbacks, it also has a potential to help conservation efforts. With more collaboration between enthusiast and scientists, much can be gained in the area of freshwater fish conservation. Working together, the negative aspects of aquarium keeping can be diminished while promoting conservation and helping to protect the fish that both groups love.


Maceda-Veiga, A., Dominguez-Dominguez, O., Escribano-Alacid, J., Lyons, J. (2014). “The aquarium         hobby: can sinners become saints in freshwater fish conservation?” Fish and Fisheries          doi: 10.1111/faf.12097