An Analysis of Movement Patterns in Smalltooth Sawfish

By Laura Vander Meiden, RJD Intern

A new study by researchers at Florida State University and NOAA National Marine Fisheries assesses the habitat needs of juvenile smalltooth sawfish in an attempt to better understand what measures should be taken to protect them. Smalltooth sawfish are bottom dwelling fish very distantly related to sharks. They, and other sawfish, are characterized by their long, toothed rostrum (nose) that closely resembles a saw blade. This snout is quite prone to getting tangled in fishing gear which, in addition to habitat loss and exploitation by the global animal part trade, has led all five species of sawfish to be listed as either endangered or critically endangered. By analyzing the movements of juvenile smalltooth sawfish, this study adds to the base of knowledge needed to properly care for these species.

Entangled sawfish.

A sawfish entangled in fishing line., Photo by Tobey Curtis/ Florida Museum of Natural History

The study took place in three southern Florida bays, two in Everglades National Park and one in Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge. Though the bays varied in size, all were lined with red and black mangroves and were “relatively pristine” compared to other areas in which sawfish are found. This use of optimal habitat allowed the scientists to see what juvenile sawfish behavior should look like, information that can then be used to improve less optimal habitats.

The scientists tagged seven juvenile sawfish with acoustic transmitters. These transmitters had a battery life of six months during which they would emit a signal every two to three seconds. Signals had to be actively gathered by researchers with a hydrophone and receiver; the signals didn’t automatically go into database.  Overall, the researchers collected 224 hours of movement data. From this data they found that the sawfish stayed close to mangroves each individual stayed, on average, less that 100m from mangrove-fringed shoreline. The juveniles also had the highest rate of activity at night, suggesting that this was when they foraged for food. Most interestingly, they found that the size of area in which the sawfish moved directly correlated with the size of the bay, however in all cases the activity space for each individual increased day by day.

This information is important for sawfish management plans, since habitat requirements for juvenile sawfish may have been previously underestimated in studies that did not take continuous measurements of activity space. The scientists hypothesize that this increase in activity space could be due to the rapid growth of juvenile sawfish and a way to avoid competing for food with other juvenile sawfish. The fact that sawfish in larger bays had larger activity spaces while those in smaller bays had smaller activity spaces is also important.  This means that one overall management plan may not be best for the sawfish. Instead management plans should be specific to each area they address.


A plate sketching of a sawfish.

Ultimately this study added significantly to existing information on the habitat requirements of juvenile sawfish. The results from this study can serve as a platform upon which new research and improved management plans can be built, both of which are integral in protecting smalltooth sawfish populations.



Hollensead, L., Grubbs, R., Carlson, J., & Bethea, D. (2015). Analysis of fine-scale daily movement patterns of juvenile Pristis pectinata within a nursery habitat. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.

Recreational angling intensity correlates with alteration of vulnerability to fishing in carnivorous coastal fish species

by Dani Escontrela, RJD intern

Fish behavior affects the vulnerability they have to fishing gear and therefore is a key player in determining and moderating the impacts of fishing on wild populations. In a theory known as the foraging arena theory it is explained that behavioral adaptation is driven by two main forces: predation risks caused by natural predators or by fishing. To avoid predation fish will cluster into two groups, one in which they are vulnerable or one in which they are invulnerable to predation. The decision to go into one of these groups will determine the proportion of fish that are vulnerable to fishing gear. There are two mechanisms that can affect the flow of fish from vulnerable to invulnerable pools in response to fishing gear. On the one hand there are evolutionary pressures in which the bolder fish were more often in the vulnerable pool and got taken out of the population by fishing due to their increased risk of being caught. On the other hand, fish could have acquired gear avoidance behaviors through individual or social learning. Either of these explanations leave behind individuals that are harder to catch therefore increasing the number of individuals in the invulnerable pools as fishing pressures increase.

The experiment set out to determine how species-specific behavioral responses to recreational angling gear altered the proportion of vulnerable and invulnerable pools in the wild with increasing fishing pressures. They used two fish species with different foraging ecologies to determine their vulnerability to recreational angling gear. They hypothesized that recreational angling, which is a human predation risk for fishes, causes a change in behavior which in turn causes the proportion of fish in the vulnerable and invulnerable pools to change. They used two fish species that share the same habitat but differ in their feeding ecology. The S. scriba is a carnivorous fish that feeds on mobile prey, making it more vulnerable to fishing, while the D. annularis is omnivorous and feeds on small, sessile prey, making it less vulnerable to fishing. The sampling site was off the coast of the Mediterranean along sea grass beds where these fish resided. The number of fishing vessels were counted at each study site and were an index of predation risk for the fish species. Meanwhile, video was used to record the fish’s behaviors when they were exposed to baited hooks. The latency time was recorded for an individual to ingest the bait on a baited hook; the baited hooks were then cut to void actual capture of the fish.

Histogram of latency time in seconds for S. scriba (left panel) and D. annularis (right panel). The inset panels show the proportion of captured (black) and non-captured (grey) in high and low intensity fishing environments for both fish species.

Histogram of latency time in seconds for S. scriba (left panel) and D. annularis (right panel). The inset panels show the proportion of captured (black) and non-captured (grey) in high and low intensity fishing environments for both fish species.

This experiment found a correlation between risk taking behaviors in relation to angling intensity for S. scriba, however no correlation was found for D. annularis. The experiment showed that some exploited fish species such as the S. scriba become less likely to take risks and therefore more invulnerable with increased fishing pressures. This migration of fish individuals from vulnerable to invulnerable pools may explain decreased catch rates and decreased fish abundance. This study found vulnerability to fishing to be substantially different in S. scriba that inhabited highly exploited sites compared with individuals in lower exploited areas. Three implications can be drawn from these results. First of all, the increased amount of fish species in invulnerable pools due to increased recreational fishing pressures can have implications for population dynamics, food web interactions, the productivity of the fishery and individual fitness. Second, assessing population abundance from hook-and-line-based catch may be unreliable since different fish species and populations have different behaviors therefore affecting how vulnerable they are to being caught. Finally, because behavior and life history traits are often correlated, one should be careful in regards to sampling bias caused by preferential capture of certain behavioral types.

Graph correlating latency time and survivorship (non-capture) for S. scriba (in gray) and D. annularis (in black). The solid lines show the survival distribution and the broken lines show the 95% confidence interval

Graph correlating latency time and survivorship (non-capture) for S. scriba (in gray) and D. annularis (in black). The solid lines show the survival distribution and the broken lines show the 95% confidence interval

Alós, Josep, Miquel Palmer, Pedro Trías, Carlos Díaz-Gil, and Robert Arlinghaus. “Recreational angling intensity correlates with alteration of vulnerability to fishing in a carnivorous coastal fish species.” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72, no. 999 (2014): 1-9.

The Intrinsic Vulnerability to Fishing of Coral Reef Fishes and Their Differential Recovery in Fishery Closures

By Gabi Goodrich, RJD intern

Coral reefs have long been regarded as the treasure of the sea. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing but also are used as a staple in fishing ventures. However, biodiversity is an essential part of the ecosystems health. Strong biodiversity is critical for the upkeep of many ecosystem functions such as chemical composition of the waters and atmosphere, biomass creation and regulation of flora and fauna, nutrient cycling, and overall health of the individual species in said ecosystem. When biodiversity decreases because populations do not have a chance to recover as a result of intensive fishing, the ecosystem will also suffer. A tell tale sign of overfishing is the loss of amount of fish caught over time.  So what happens when causes major losses in species?


In a paper published by Rene Abesamis, Alison Green, Garry Russ, and Claro Jadloc, life history-based predictions on the vulnerability of coral fishes were compared to data collected on the fishes to determine to see if predictions agreed with the data collected and to show possible scenarios for recovery within fully protected areas and periodically harvested fishery closures. Although reef fishes as a whole are vulnerable to fishing, large carnivorous fish are predicted to be particularly vulnerable to fishing compared to the smaller fish, which place lower in the food web.  Compared to empirical data, fish populations that are highly vulnerable will also have a longer recovery rate to achieve carrying capacity in fully protected areas in contrast with the less vulnerable species. The carnivorous large-bodied species are also the ones that are targeted for fishing and are a major form of bycatch. It is estimated that 80% of the biomass of large bodied fishes such as billfish, cod, and sharks was typically removed from the world’s major oceans within the first 15 years of industrial fishing (Myers and Worm, 2003).  Is the only solution to cease fishing all together? The group says no; instead they suggest five steps. The first suggestion is to expand age-based demographic studies of economically and ecologically important reef fish to improve the estimates on vulnerability. This could help further protect the fish in the future. The second suggestion is for long term and/or permanent protection of no-take reserves to allow populations to recover fully and reach carrying capacity. The long-term protection would be upwards of 20 to 40 years, however, the more feasible option would be permanent protection. The third suggestion is a stringent agreement that these protected areas are no-take and if agreement is broken, it could delay the recovery of the populations. The fourth suggestion is a strict but careful timing and amount of harvesting in closures to allow for maximum long-term benefits for the fisheries. Lastly, the group suggests the use of periodically harvested closures together with, rather than instead of, permanent no-take reserves. Thus, harvesting would not cease but rather be strictly controlled. Overall, the goal would be to not only increase fisheries but also have a positive correlation with the economy.




Abesamis, Rene, Alison Green, Garry Russ, and Claro Jadloc. “The Intrinsic Vulnerability to Fishing of Coral Reef Fishes and Their Differential Recovery in Fishery Closures.” Springer Link. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 01 Dec. 2014. Web. <>.



Practical Management of Cumulative Anthropogenic Impacts with Working Marine Examples

By Robbie Roemer, RJD student

Paper by Andrew Wright and Line Khyn

Technological advances as well as the need for energy exploration and natural resource utilization have intensified and expanded anthropogenic pressures on the environment. Nowhere are these pressures more prevalent than the marine coastal areas of the globe; fisheries, offshore renewable energy sources, and the ever-increasing demand for petroleum are the highest contributing factors.  This increase in activity subsequently surges the magnitude, extent, and time-interval of adverse effects to the marine biotic ecosystem.

Recently there has been a major shift in the strategy of ecosystem management, including ecosystem based management approaches and marine spatial planning. In order to meet the requirements of these new management approaches, efforts have been implemented to quantify the cumulative impacts of human activity on marine species populations. The authors believe there is sufficient scientific evidence to support limiting the impact to marine organisms, and suggest a six-pronged approach for facilitating the capping of anthropogenic effects to the environment.


Human (or anthropogenic) activity originates in many varieties, including commercial shipping, oil and gas exploration, dredging, hunting, industrial construction, and even fishing. With such a wide variety of activities taking place it is to be expected they introduce numerous threats and stressors to the marine ecosystem including physical disturbances, chemical runoff, and noise pollution. The authors stress the importance of not adding the total impact of all interactions, citing the importance to quantify interactions that could potentially lead to greater overall impacts to the ecosystem. The authors state that ecosystem based management and marine spatial planning may offer solutions to this paradigm, but these potential solutions are data hungry, and move at an incredibly slow pace.  While anthropogenic impacts affect all forms of marine life, the study centered on marine mammals due to particular expertise of the authors.

The Six-Pronged Approach

  1. Minimizing Exposure

Exposure of wildlife to human activities at lower measures will undoubtedly have less of an impact than species exposed to higher rates and levels of anthropogenic activity. It is suggested early evaluations as well as Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) will minimize exposure of a certain species or at the very least, reduce the exposure to sensitive individuals if total avoidance cannot be achieved

  1. Management Cycle

Assessing the collective impacts of a project with enough advance of each activities start dates is deemed to be one of the simplest ways for managers to effectively limit the collective impact of the projects. Management cycles can be established so that proposals for human activity within a management area must be submitted by a given deadline so all conjunct activities or projects can be considered simultaneously.  The U.S. National Fisheries Service has already utilized application cycles, establishing application deadlines for all researchers planning to focus on Stellar Sea Lions.

  1. Cross-Company Collaboration

In relation to management cycles, the combined effects of multiple anthropogenic projects cannot be evaluated on a linear scale. Instead it is suggested quantitative models be used, accounting for different aspects of the entire proposed list of projects. This will subsequently allow companies to reduce cumulative effects before they submit applications.

  1. Zero-Sum Management

Naturally, anthropogenic environmental damage could be curtailed if the current level of impact from human sources was considered the maximum allowable. Zero-sum management effectively represents no additional impact can be added to a population or region, and the impacts from ongoing activities must be offset. This management strategy may be particularly effective for species populations that are severely declining or even data deficient.

  1. Uncertainty Built into Thresholds

A caveat to zero-sum management is the need to recognize and accept that the quantified magnitude of any impact is most likely underestimated, regardless of how the magnitude is measured. The recognition of this uncertainty as well as others in management strategies is useful, if not essential, for mitigating anthropogenic effects to marine populations. The need for integrating such uncertainties in management has already been realized and incorporated in the calculation of maximum marine mammal bycatch take for fisheries, which is known as potential biological removal (PBR).


  1. Facilitating Future Management

The authors suggest that management agencies should require the collection of data to determine the extent to which the marine habitat would be altered. To ascertain anthropogenic stressors, a call for basic biological research be assessed prior to the activity. The authors also propose the publishing of said data to allow public dissemination of the results.

Such management strategies as the ones listed would undoubtedly have significant cumulative effects to reduce anthropogenic effects to marine organisms. Assessing and applying management strategies like these is most important considering the intensification of offshore energy exploration, especially as the potential for energy exploration escalates as the artic opens from climate change.

There are several disadvantages that should be mentioned in implementing such management strategies. Management cycles have been proven to be detrimental to those who propose the anthropogenic activities (industries), which will lessen support for management agencies. Several presumptions also underlie the effectiveness of area based mitigation, such as, different habitats of the overall ecosystem must be viewed as equally important to the species of interest, and species perceive the anthropogenic disturbances as an immediate threat, responding accordingly by utilizing avoidance.

If these shortcomings can be addressed and moderated, the six management approaches listed could have long standing positive effects to mitigate the detrimental anthropogenic effects to the marine ecosystem, used independently or synchronously.



Wright, Andrew J., and Line A. Kyhn. “Practical management of cumulative anthropogenic impacts with working marine examples.” Conservation Biology(2014).

Effects of Global Warming on Polar Bears in the Arctic

by Dani Ferraro, RJD intern

Global warming and the loss of Arctic sea ice is affecting populations of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in Hudson Bay. Localized rises in sea surface temperatures (SST) have lead to mortality events and habitat changes for several marine species (Dulvy et al. 2008). While some species have adaptations that allow them to tolerate warming events, the loss of habitat and consequent die-offs of prey species is devastating.  The Hudson Bay Lowlands (HBL), the second largest inland sea in the world and home to polar bears, has warmed approximately three degrees Celsius since the 1990s (Ruhland et al. 2013).  With warmer air temperatures and increasingly rising SST comes the loss of winter ice-cover and reduced snow depth. This has directly caused the mortality of polar bear cubs and their prey, the ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and the bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus). As the forage and movement patterns of ringed seals and closely linked with sea ice, loss of this habitat could explain this mortality. The latest population estimates are about 21,500-25,000 individuals throughout the circumpolar Arctic (Luque et al. 2014).

 Ice formation in early November in Hudson Bay, Canada. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Ice formation in early November in Hudson Bay, Canada. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

As a k-selected species, polar bears have delayed maturation and high adult survival rates, but smaller litter sizes. Sea ice acts as a polar bear’s hunting grounds, with terrestrial habitats as their maternity and breeding grounds. For female polar bears, impacts beyond loss of habitat exist. With reduced sea ice, females will have a cascading loss of adipose stores, causing lowered reproductive rates. This loss of adipose means that females have less fat to invest in their cubs throughout the winter season and subsequent fasting season. With reducing sea ice thickness, it becomes thinner and more pliable to winds and currents. Polar bears will respond with increased walking or swimming, using higher energy in order to retain their habitat range.

It’s important to acknowledge the differences in sea ice thickness and location. Polar bears prefer the annual sea ice located over the inter-island archipelagos and continental shelf surrounding the polar basis. This sea ice has declined in near shore areas and in amount of multiyear ice. With this decline comes the decrease in preferred habitat locations for polar bears, as well as other pagophilic species throughout the arctic marine ecosystem. Large expanses of open water due to melting sea ice often separates terrestrial maternity dens from residential pack ice. Pregnant females have a tendency to leave their residential areas during ice break-up and remain separated throughout the summer. In order to endure the summer before they can return to sea ice to feed, females need to have built up sufficient fat stores to sustain themselves for at least 8 months. However, considering the preferred location of polar bears: the deep polar basin, where there is a lower seal density, females will find difficulties obtaining sufficient fat stores. Without having accumulated adequate adipose stores, females have fewer nutrients to pass along to nursing cubs. Due to lower energy and fat stores, females are more likely to give birth to single cub litters, often with low survival rates caused by small body mass (Derocher).

Image 2 Ferraro

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Image Source: Wikimedia Commons



With increasing SST and breaking sea ice, polar bears use more energy moving against the direction of ice drift. If ice moves more quickly, more energy is needed to move and hunt accordingly. Once sea ice concentration falls below 50%, polar bears tend to stick to terrestrial environments. Hunting and hauling prey onto land is energetically costly, requiring older polar bears to consume more, leaving fewer scraps for juveniles to scavenge. Combined with lower female productivity, the loss of food for juveniles doesn’t bode well for polar bear populations in the future. The impacts of climate change and global warming are already being seen with increasing sea surface temperature and decreasing sea ice depth. These habitat changes cause a cascading shift down the Arctic ecosystem, from habitat loss to mass mortality and reduced productivity. There will be shifts in survival rates, maturation age, and reproductive rates in populations of polar bears as well as that of its prey, both the bearded seals and ringed seals. With such a limited habitat in the circumpolar Arctic, global warming and climate change have a drastic effect on their populations, environments, and breeding habits.



Derocher, A. (2004). Polar Bears In A Warming Climate. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 163-176.

Dulvy, N.K., Rogers, S.I., Jennings, S., Stelzenmuller, V., Dye, S.R. & Skjoldal, H.R. (2008) Climate change and deepening of the North Sea fish assemblage: a biotic indicator of warming seas. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 1029–1039.

Luque, S., Ferguson, S., & Breed, G. (2014). Spatial behaviour of a keystone Arctic marine predator and implications of climate warming in Hudson Bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 504-515.

Ruhland, K., Paterson, A., Keller, W., Michelutti, N., & Smol, J. (2013). Global warming triggers the loss of a key Arctic refugium. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 20131887-20131887.

Effects of temperature and CO2 increases on Sargassum Seaweed Communities

by Alice Schreiber, RJD intern

Located within the North Atlantic Gyre is a floating ecosystem of brown algae called Sargassum. The seaweed forms clumps the size of fists, or larger raft-like clusters that group together forming a biodiverse habitat, extending up to 100 miles or more, in a place that is otherwise oligotrophic, or lacking in life sustaining nutrients. This mass of algae has come to be known as The Sargasso Sea.

Study area

Study area

The Sargasso Sea has been designated as “essential fish habitat” and provides a high-productivity location for pelagic fishes and seabirds to feed and spawn. Pelagic Sargassum is a habitat to a reported 100 fish species, four turtle species, and over 145 invertebrates, sponges, fungi, bacteria, diatoms, and protists (Coston-Clements et al. 1991; Trott et al. 2010; Thiel and Gutow 2005a).

Ocean acidification and rising water temperatures caused by an increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide may impact Sargassum and the species that rely on it. Higher levels of CO2 can stimulate the growth of macroalgae but can reduce the formation rate of calcareous skeletal structures, decreased reproduction, and increase mortality in organisms with shells or calcareous exoskeletons

Huffard et al., published a paper this year hypothesizing that seaweed will survive changing ocean conditions better compared to the faunal organisms in the same community. The data gathered in this study is compared to 88 historical datasets and data taken from 1966 to 1975 from the same location between Bermuda and the Bahamas. Biodiversity, sea surface temperatures and the CO2 concentration was studied.

The researchers found that sea surface temperatures at one of the stations near Bermuda has increased slightly and gradually since 1969 (Huffard 2014). In the same location pCO2 has increased since 1984. Mobile macrofauna samples for diversity and evenness were significantly lower in this study compared to ones conducted in 1972 and 1973. A key isotherm in the Sargasso sea has shifted northward and extreme weather events have higher wind speed and wave height. Differences in sampling methods between this study and the historic studies do not allow for statistical comparison, but calcifying bryozoan coverage was low compared to samples taken in the 1970s.

Photo by University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory

Photo by University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory

These findings support the hypothesis that different species and animal communities vary in their ability to withstand temperature and pH changes. It is possible that increased acidity due to a lower pH leads to a decrease in bryozoan coverage by negatively impacting their ability to form exoskeletons. Long-term monitoring of Sargassum communities is necessary to determine whether these changes are indicative of a failing ecosystem or just low points of diversity in a naturally varying ecosystem.

Coston-Clements L, Settle LR, Hoss DE, Cross FA (1991) Utilization of the Sargassum habitat by marine invertebrates and vertebrates: a review. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-296

Trott TM, McKenna SA, Pitt JM, Hemphill A, Ming FW, Rouja P, Gjerde KM, Causey B, Earle SA (2010) Efforts to enhance protection of the Sargasso Sea. Proceedings of the 63rd Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. Nov 1–5, 2010, San Juan, Puerto Rico, pp 282–286

Thiel M, Gutow L (2005a) The ecology of rafting in the marine environment. I. The floating substrata. Oceanographic Marine Biology Annual Revue 42:181–264

Huffard, C. L., von Thun, S., Sherman, A. D., Sealey, K., & Smith Jr, K. L. (2014). Pelagic Sargassum community change over a 40-year period: temporal and spatial variability. Marine biology161(12), 2735-2751.



Can Recreational Fishing Exist in Urban Societies?

By Emily Rose Nelson, RJD student

Recreational fishing is defined as “fishing of aquatic animals that do not constitute the individual’s primary resource to meet basic nutritional needs are not generally sold or otherwise traded on markets,” or simply put, fishing for fun. Anywhere from 220 to 700 million people participate in recreational fishing worldwide. At least 118 million of those people are from the modern industrial world, residing in North America, Europe, and Oceania. A recent study in Fisheries Management and Ecology attempts to explain the inconsistencies in recreational fishing participation rates across industrialized countries. Arlinghaus et al. performed a literature search identifying numbers of recreational fishers in a given country or state to test five different hypothesis regarding recreational fishing rates in industrialized and post industrialized countries.

Recreational fishing is used as a sport and way to relax by people across the globe. (Wikimedia Commons)

Recreational fishing is used as a sport and way to relax by people across the globe. (Wikimedia Commons)

First, they showed that recreational fishing participation is positively related to the cultural importance (represented using total fish landings and per capita fish consumption) of fish in a given country. Countries that have long standing traditions of fishing as a primary food source or as a primary source of income through commercial operations place higher value on the activity. In these societies there is enhanced interest in fishing for recreation as time and resources become available. In addition, people are more likely to spend time fishing at a young age and pass the traditions onto their children. The overall culture of a society will form a general interest or lack of interest in fishing, however, culture is less important compared to other social factors in explaining recreational fishing participation.

Alringhaus et al. also showed that the availability of fishing opportunities is important in predicting the recreational fishing participation rates in a given country. Urban development has reduced the amount of unmodified land and water for activities like hunting and fishing. By changing the landscape, large portions of industrialized societies have been cut off from direct contact with nature and opportunities to participate in recreational fishing have declined. It is likely that younger generations in these areas will seek alternative activities in order to meet the same psychological needs that fishing would. By analyzing the relative surface area of freshwater, access to coastline, and number of recreational fishers it became clear that countries with higher water availability show higher recreational fishing rates. However, results were not significant and thus access to fishing opportunities has only minor influence on participation rates.


: In this image of Miami it is clear how the development of the city has limited access to the water. (Wikimedia Commons)

The third and fourth hypotheses were more strongly connected to the individual. The availability of resources in terms of time and money and perceived need for leisure of an individual were positively related to recreational fishing participation. The average age, average household size, and unemployment rate of a given society were used to represent availability of resources. Alringhaus et al. showed that increased age and increased financial constraints result in decreased recreational fishing participation. In societies where the average individual has ample physical, time, and financial resources recreational fishing rates are increased. In addition, individuals must have the interest and knowledge to partake in fishing in the first place. Using average weekly working hours as a proxy for an individual’s perceived need for leisure, the study showed that recreational fishing participation increases when people feel they need more time to relax. Fishing provides people with a temporary escape from the stress and commitments from every day life.

Of the multiple variables tested, the most important predictor of recreational fishing participation was urbanization. Population density and per capita gross domestic product were used to measure the urbanization and economy of a given society. Arlinghaus et al. showed that interest in recreational fishing initially rises with development but it then reaches a peak and starts to decline. Urbanization of a society involves a shift in overall values and opinions of wildlife and the environment. New values and norms are created that reduce the credence of fishing as a source of leisure and minimize the interest of the public in outdoor activities. The “videophilia hypothesis” argues that in developing societies nature based recreation is increasingly being pushed aside for electronic activities. As less active activities grow in popularity in urban societies recreational activities will be increasingly less active as well. Simply put, post- industrialization societies tend to have much lower recreational fishing participation rates.

Overall, it can be concluded that steady and increasing interest in recreational fishing will occur for societies in transition toward urbanization and economic development. However, in highly urbanized societies these rates are predicted to decrease. Management and marketing campaigns could be used to maintain fishing interest in years to come. In order for these efforts to be successful people must know where fishing opportunities exist, how to utilize these resources, and be able to do so at low costs. Without intervention urban societies will continue to participate in alternate leisure activities and lose connection with nature.

Arlinghaus, R., Tillner, R., & Bork, M. (2014). Explaining participation rates in recreational fishing across industrialized countries. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 22(1), 45-55

The Importance of Integrating Human Activities into Marine Protected Areas

By Hannah Calich, RJD student

The benefits of marine protected areas (MPAs) have been well documented. However, since implementing them usually involves the removal or restriction of certain human activities, their implementation is often controversial. For example, MPA regulations that limit fishing can have negative socioeconomic consequences in fishing communities, which can lead to illegal, unreported, or unregulated fishing (Figure 1). To help avoid these problems managers should consider the possibility of integrating a small number of human activities into MPAs.

Fishermen illegally fishing in a protected area in Southeast Brazil. Photo credit: Rafael Guedes/Marine Photobank

Fishermen illegally fishing in a protected area in Southeast Brazil. Photo credit: Rafael Guedes/Marine Photobank

Currently most MPA regulations focus on extractive uses, such as fishing, while overlooking non-extractive uses, such as scuba diving or kayaking (Figure 2). Since both extractive and non-extractive uses impact ecosystems as well as local economies, researchers have been investigating what happens when both types of uses are allowed within sections of MPAs. Specifically, researchers in Wales (UK) have used specially designed conservation software to determine the impacts of integrating extractive and non-extractive uses in MPAs (Ruiz-Frau et al., 2015). They also examined how these impacts vary depending on how a MPA is zoned. For example, do MPAs with two zones (e.g., one minimally protected zone and one highly protected zone) impact an ecosystem or economy differently than MPAs with multiple zones that have varying degrees of protection?

Scuba diving, if done responsibly, is a great example of a non-extractive way to interact with the underwater world. Photo credit: Wolcott Henry/Marine Photobank

Scuba diving, if done responsibly, is a great example of a non-extractive way to interact with the underwater world. Photo credit: Wolcott Henry/Marine Photobank

Ruiz-Frau et al.’s (2015) results indicate that when MPAs include non-extractive uses (e.g., they allow visitors to kayak or snorkel within sections of a protected area), the negative socioeconomic impacts can be reduced by about 50% compared to when non-extractive uses are not included. Additionally, when MPAs have multiple zones they can continue to support healthy ecosystems while having a lower socioeconomic impact than MPAs with only one or two zones.

Incorporating both extractive and non-extractive uses can significantly reduce the socioeconomic impact of MPAs (Ruiz-Frau et al., 2015). These results have important implications to not only future MPAs but current ones as well. If the socioeconomic impacts of MPAs can be lowered, implementing MPAs will be less controversial and more likely to be accepted by communities, which will hopefully lead to more MPAs being developed.


Ruiz-Frau, A., Kaiser, M. J., Edwards-Jones, G., Klein, C. J., Segan, D., & Possingham, H. P. (2015). Balancing extractive and non-extractive uses in marine conservation plans. Marine Policy, 52(2015), 11-18.

The use of spearfishing competition data in fisheries management

by Pat Goebel, RJD Intern

There are fewer fishes in the ocean today than there were 200, 100, and even 20 years ago. This fact is reiterated in the case study authored by Pita, which shows   decreases in the abundance and weight of coastal rocky reef fishes over the last 50 years in Galicia.

The methods scientists use to determine estimates in abundance and size are criticized, especially when estimates are based on data from commercial fisheries. Commercial fisheries are always changing or shifting. New regulations and markets combined with more or less productive fishing grounds can misrepresent population estimates. A solution to this can be to use long-term data sets from recreational fisheries competitions. In the case study, The use of spearfishing competition data in fisheries management: evidence for a hidden near collapse of a coastal fish community of Galicia (NE Atlantic Ocean), a long-term data set (1953-2007) of recreational spear fishing was investigated to estimate local fish populations.

The results of the present study show a dramatic decrease in abundance (up to 76%) and body weight (76%) of coastal rocky reef fishes over the last 50 years. The decreases in population size and body weight are both critical factors, which will hamper the recovery of the coastal rocky reef fishes in Galicia.

Catch frequency f or 5 species of fish in Galicia

Catch frequency f or 5 species of fish in Galicia

Fishing along with global warming and pollution has nearly resulted in the collapse of the coastal rocky reef fish in Galicia. A management plan to help restore the depleted fish stock is eminent. A solution to the problem may lie in the paper as the size of the catch and the size of the fish tended to be bigger in the least fished zone.  So, stopping or reducing fishing in heavily fished areas may help restore the abundance and size of fishes within this important ecosystem.

Pita, P., and J. Freire. “The use of spearfishing competition data in fisheries management: evidence for a hidden near collapse of a coastal fish community of Galicia (NE Atlantic Ocean).” Fisheries Management and Ecology 21.6 (2014): 454-469.

Sustainability of Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture

by Alice Schreiber, RJD intern

The rapid increase of world population and the large number of already depleted fish stocks pose a significant problem for fisheries currently, and will continue to do so in the future. The growth of responsible and sustainable aquaculture facilities can help to alleviate the strain the human population has on the natural environment while providing reasonably priced seafood to people in developing and developed nations around the world. Unfortunately, there are still some issues facing aquaculture today, the most contentious of which associated with sustainability and waste production. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture combines traditional fish farming with another species at a different trophic level, usually an extractive species that can get its nutrients from the sunlight or water.


In recent years, aquaculture has begun to be a major player in providing food security throughout the world. In 2012, global aquaculture production reached an all-time high of 90.4 million tons; China alone attributed 43.5 million tons of fish for food and 13.5 million tons of aquatic algae that year. Aquaculture growth has been relatively faster in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean; the same regions where population growth has been increasing. Along with the increase in production, the interest in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture is also rising. These systems, abbreviated as IMTA, combine fed aquaculture species with inorganic extractive species, such as seaweeds, cultivated in proximity.  Figure one illustrates a typical IMTA:

Image 1

Many aquaculture systems tend to require very large amounts of inputs and produce massive amounts of waste. The goal is to essentially close the loop, or make the inputs and outputs as low as possible. “Rather than let huge concentrations of fish manure from, say, salmon cages foul coastal waters, you place shellfish, which filter and are nourished by the manure, slightly downstream from your salmon cages; and then seaweed further downstream still, which takes up remaining nutrients from the manure” (Greenaway, 2009). Another issue with traditional aquaculture is the amount of fish used to make fish feed. However, seaweed can be a source of protein and other ingredients without competing with terrestrial plants and causing price increases. This also could help reduce the need for farmland, irrigation, and fertilizer (Chopin, 2012). Shellfish and seaweed can take the excess nutrients and utilize it, converting it into biomass. Dr. Thierry Chopin states that the solution to nitrification is not dilution, but conversion within an eco-system based management perspective (Chopin, 2008).


The waste generated from intensive aquaculture systems needs to be treated and in the past solutions have largely focused on reducing particle load or leaving the dissolved nutrients untreated. Treating effluents is expensive and requires a high degree of technology, so releasing the untreated water is unfortunately a way to cut costs. Macroalgae uses sunlight to build biomass, while assimilating dissolved inorganic nutrients removed from the water. If properly cultured, the seaweed can utilize pollutant nutrients as their food and energy source, clean the water, and be harvested as commercial crops with very little added cost to the producer. Recycling of waste nutrients by algae and filter-feeders is the most economical way to improve aquaculture sustainability.


Water quality deterioration as a result of excess nutrients is a key concern in aquaculture systems. Seaweed can be cultivated in the same pond as fish or adjacent to fish cages. The plants absorb particulate organics and dissolved nutrients that would otherwise enter the environment. In a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS),  where water is filtered and reused in the tank, fish are even more at risk from high nutrient levels. Seaweed has the potential to improve culture environment by preventing the deterioration of water quality from waste and particulates. Seaweed assimilates the fish-excreted ammonia, phosphate and CO2, converting them into valuable biomass. With this treatment, water can recirculate back to the fish ponds or be discharged without endangering the environment (Chopin et al., 2001 and Neori et al., 2004). CO2 is released by fish through respiration, reacts with water, and forms carbonic acid (H2CO2), which leads to a lower pH (Wurts, 1992). When pH lowers, acidity increases, which can easily prove fatal for fish. Excessive phosphorus can cause increased plant an algal growth, resulting in anoxia (low or no oxygen), increased turbidity, effects on fish growth, and toxic cyanobacterial blooms (Guo et al., 2003). Unionized ammonium is particularly harmful as it can pass through the gills into fish, convert back into the ionized for, and cause cellular damage.

Image 2

The advantages of using seaweeds as the biofilter component of the IMTA systems are now becoming widely accepted (Ridler et al., 2007).  Seaweed can greatly help mitigate eutrophication in polluted areas and reduce harmful fish byproducts. Macroalgae (seaweed) actually sequesters the nutrients out of the water, and then the clean and oxygen-rich effluent of a seaweed biofilter can be recirculated back to the fishponds or discharged safely. In seaweed-based IMTA systems, TAN (total ammonia N, NH3+NH4) and the other excess nutrients from the fed finfish/shrimp culture are taken up by seaweed.

Aquaculture is not a perfect industry as of yet. Macroalgae, or seaweed can provide multiple benefits when used in IMTA. Seaweed has potential as food, cosmetics, biofuel, agrichemicals, fishmeal, and is able to function as a biofilter for the aquaculture systems. The IMTA approach to fish farming is proving to be very beneficial economically as well as for the environment. Not only can seaweed help to maintain clean water quality, it can be used to clean up areas with excess nutrients or harmful waste products like ammonium and CO2. This will likely become the new standard for aquaculture as demand continues to rise and the need for environmentally safe practices increases.

Chopin, T. “Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) – the right move for sustainability?” in Inshore Ireland 4 (3): 20, June 2008.

Chopin, T. “Seaweed aquaculture provides diversified products, key ecosystem functions. Part II. Recent evolution of seaweed industry.” Global Aquaculture Advocate 15 (4): 24-27, July-August 2012.

Greenaway, T. “Closing the aquaculture loop.” Culinate, 5 February 2009.

Guo, Longgen, and Zhongjie Li. “Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus from fish cage-culture on the communities of a shallow lake in middle Yangtze River basin of China.” Aquaculture 226.1 (2003): 201-212.

Neori, Amir, et al. “Integrated aquaculture: rationale, evolution and state of the art emphasizing seaweed biofiltration in modern mariculture.” Aquaculture 231.1 (2004): 361-391.47–131.

Ridler, N., et al. “Integrated Multi− Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA): A Potential Strategic Choice for Farmers.” Aquaculture Economics & Management 11.1 (2007): 99-110.

Wurts, William A., and Robert M. Durborow. Interactions of pH, carbon dioxide, alkalinity and hardness in fish ponds. Stoneville,, Mississippi: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, 1992.